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Banking and Finance words full from (बैंकिंग और फाइनेन्स फुल-फ्रॉम)

नमस्कार दोस्तो आपका एक बार फिर से स्वागत है एक और नई पोस्ट में और आज हम बात करने वाले है बैंकिंग और फाइनेन्स में प्रयोग होने वाले शब्दों के बारे में ज्यादा तर जो words प्रयोग होते है उनका मतलब क्या होता है । और जैसे की बैंक मैनेजर को शॉर्टकट में क्या लिखते है ऐसे ही बहुत से वर्ड होते है जो कही भी लिखे हुए मिल जाते है। लेकिन हम उनका सही मतलब नही समझ पाते । यह पर ऐसे है वर्ड देखने को मिल जायेंगे ।

Banking and finance word full from


ABEDA : Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa

ABM : Assistant Branch Manager

ACF : Auto Correlation Function

ACS : Automated Clearing System

AD : Authorized Dealer

ADB : Asian Development Bank

ADF : Automated Data Flow

ADR : American Depository Receipt

AEPS : Aadhaar Enabled Payments Switch

AFS : Annual Financial Statement

AFS : Available For Sale

AGM : Annual General Meeting

AIC : Agricultural Insurance Company

AIF : Alternative Investment Fund

AIRCSC : All India Rural Credit Survey Committee

ALCO : Asset Liability Committee

ALM : Asset Liability Management

AMFI : Association of Mutual Fund in India.

AMRMS : Audit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism

ANBC : Adjusted Net Bank Credit

AO : Additive Outliers

APBS : Aadhaar Payment Bridge System

AR : Auto Regression

ARC : Asset Reconstruction Companies

ARIMA : Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average

ASBA : Application Supported by Blocked Account.

ASSOCHAM : Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India

ATM : Automated Teller Machine


BCBS : Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

BCSBI : Banking codes and standards board of India.

BIRD : Bankers Institute of Rural Development.

BIS : Bank for International Settlements.

BOE : Bill of Exchange

BOI : Bank of India

BOP : Balance of Payments

BOT : Build, Operate and Transfer

BPLR : Benchmark Prime Lending Rate.

BPM5 : Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition

BPSD : Balance of Payments Division, DESACS, RBI

BR Act : Banking Regulations Act

BSCS : Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

BSE : Bombay Stock Exchange

BSR : Basic Statistical Returns


CA : Chartered Accountant

CAD : Capital Account Deficit.

CAD : Current Account Deficit

CAG : Controller and Auditor General of India

CAR : Capital Adequacy Ratio

CARE : Credit Analysis and Research Limited

CASA : Current and Savings Account.

CBI : Central bureau of Investigation

CBLO : Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations

CBS : Core Banking Solutions

CBS : Consolidated Banking Statistics

CC : Cash Credit

CCEA : Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.

CCIL : Clearing Corporation of India Limited

CD : Certificate of Deposit

CDBS : Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics

CDR : Corporate Debt Restructuring

CDRS : Corporate Debt Restructuring

CDS : Credit Default Swap

CECA : Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement.

CEPA : Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

CF : Company Finance

CFRA : Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts

CGRA : Currency and Gold Revaluation Account

CIBIL : Credit Information Bureau of India Limited.

CII : Confederation of Indian Industries

CMIS : Currency Management Information System

CNP : Card Not Present

CO : Capital Outlay

COB : Corporation Bank

CP : Commercial Paper

CPFF : Commercial Paper Funding Facility

CPI : Consumer Price Index

CPI-IW : Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers

CR : Capital Receipts

CRAR : Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio.

CRILC : Central Repository of Information on Large Credits

CRISIL : Credit Rating Information Services Of India

CRISIL : Credit Rating and Investment Services India Limited.

CRMD : Credit Risk Management Department

CRR : Cash Reserve Ratio

CSIR : Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

CSO : Central Statistical Organisation

CSR : Corporate social responsibility

CTI : Country Threat Index

CVC : Central Vigilance Commission


DAP : Development Action Plan

DBOD : Department of Banking Operations and Development

DBS : Department of Banking Supervision, RBI

DCA : Department of Company Affairs, (Now known as Ministry of Companies Affairs, MCA) Government of India)

DCB : Demand Collection and Balance

DCCB : District Central Cooperative Bank

DCM : Department of Currency Management, RBI

DD : Demand Draft

DDS : Data Dissemination Standards

DEIO : Department of External Investments and Operations

DESACS : Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services, RBI

DGBA : Department of Government and Bank Accounts, RBI

DGCI&S : Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics

DI : Direct Investment

DICGC : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India

DID : Discharge of Internal Debt

DMA : Departmentalized Ministries Account

DPG : Deferred Payment Guarantee

DPN : Demand Promissory Note

DRAT : Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal

DRI : Differential Rate of Interest

DSBB : Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board

DSCR : Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DTAA : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.

DVP : Delivery versus Payment


EADB : East African Development Bank

EBRD : European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ECB : European Central Bank

ECBs : External Commercial Borrowings

ECGC : Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation

ECS : Electronic Clearing System

EDF : Export Development Fund

EDI : Electronic Data Interchange

EDMU : External Debt Management Unit

EDP : Enterpreneurship Development Programme

EEA : Exchange Equalization Account

EEC : European Economic Community

EEFC : Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency

EFR : Exchange Fluctuation Reserve

EFTPOS : Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale

EFT : Electronic Fund Transfer

EIB : European Investment Bank

ELSS : Equity Linked Saving Scheme

EMI : Equated Monthly Installments

EPF : Employees Provident Fund

EPFO : Employees’ Provident Fund Organization

EPOS : Electronic Point Of Sale

EPS : Earnings per Share

ESI : Employees' State Insurance

EUR : Euro

EXIM : Export Import Bank of India


FCA : Foreign Currency Assets

FCCB : Foreign Currency Convertible Bond

FCNR(A) : Foreign Currency Nonresident Account

FCNR(B) : Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks)

FCNRD : Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit

FDI : Foreign Direct Investment

FEMA : Foreign Exchange Management Act

FERA : Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

FI : Financial Institution

FICCI : Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

FII : Foreign Institutional Investor

FIMMDA : Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association

FINO : Financial Inclusion Network Operation

FIPB : Foreign Investment Promotion Board

FISIM : Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured

FLAS : Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey

FOB : Free On Board

FOF : Flow Of Funds

FPI : Foreign Portfolio Investment.

FRA : Forward Rate Agreement

FRBMA : Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act

FRN : Floating Rate Note

FSLRC : Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission

FSRASC : Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Commitee

FSS : Farmers’ Service Societies

FWG : First Working Group on Money supply


GAAR : General Anti Avoidance Rule

GDP : Gross Domestic Product

GDR : Global Depository Receipt

GFD : Gross Fiscal Deficit

GFS : Government Finance Statistics

GIC : General Insurance Corporation

GIRO : Government Internal Revenue Order

GLS : Generalized Least Squares

GMS : Gold Monetization Scheme

GNIE : Government Not Included Elsewhere

GNP : Gross National Product

GoI : Government of India

GPD : Gross Primary Deficit

G-Sec : Government Securities

GST : Goods and Service Tax

GSTN : Goods and Services Network


HDFC : Housing Development Finance Corporation

HFT : Held For Trading

HICP : Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices

HO : Head Office

HSBC : Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

HUDCO : Housing & Urban Development Corporation


IBA : Indian Bank Associations.

IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

IBS : International Banking Statistics

ICAR : Indian Council of Agricultural Research

ICICI : Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research

ICRA : Indian Credit Rating Agency.

IDB : India Development Bonds

IDBI : Industrial Development Bank of India

IDD : Industrial Development Department

IFAD : International Fund for Agricultural Development

IFC : International Finance Corporation

IFCI : Industrial Finance Corporation of India

IFC(W) : International Finance Corporation (Washington)

IFR : Investment Fluctuation Reserve Account

IFS : International Financial Statistics

IFSC : Indian Financial System Code

IGLS : Iterative Generalized Least Squares

IIB : International Investment Bank

IIBI : Industrial Investment Bank of India

IIP : Index of Industrial Production

IIP/InIP : International Investment Position

IMD : India Millennium Deposits

IMF : International Monetary Fund

IMPS : Immediate Payment Service

IN : India

INR : Indian Rupee

INFINET : Indian Financial Network

INR : Indian Rupee

IOTT : Input-Output Transaction Table

IP : Interest Payment

IPO : Initial Public Offering

IPPB : India Post Payments Bank

IRBI : Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India

IRDA : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

IROs : Interest Rate Options

ISCI : International Standard Industrial Classification

ISDA : International Swaps and Derivative Association

ISIC : International Standard Industrial Classification

ISO : International Standards Organization

ITRS : International Transaction Reporting System

IWGEDS : International Working Group on External Debt Statistics


KCC : Kisan Credit Card

KMB : Kotak Mahindra Bank

KVB : Karur Vysya Bank

KVIC : Khadi and Village Industries Corporation

KVP : Kisan Vikas Patra

KYC : Know Your Customer


LAB : Local Area Bank

LAF : Liquidity Adjustment Facility

LAMPS : Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Socities

LAS : Loan & Advances by States

LBD : Land Development Bank

LBS : Locational Banking Statistics

LERMS : Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System

LIBOR : London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.

LIC : Life Insurance Company

LS : Level Shift

LT : Long Term

LTCG : Long Term Capital Gains

LTO : Long Term Operation


M1 : Narrow Money

M3 : Broad Money

MA : Moving Average

MCA : Ministry of Company Affairs

MICR : Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.

MIGA : Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

MIS : Management Information System

MMSE : Minimum Mean Squared Errors

MoF : Ministry of Finance

MOF : Master Office File

MRM : Monitoring and Review Mechanism

MSF : Marginal Standing Facility.

MSS : Market Stabilisation Scheme

MT : Mail Transfer

MTM : Mark-To-Market

MTN : Medium Term Note

MUDRA : Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency


NABARD : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

NAC(LTO) : National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operatiion)

NAIO : Non Administratively Independent Office

NAS : National Account Statistics

NASSCOM : National Association of Software and Services Companies

NBC : Non-Banking Companies

NBFC : Non Banking Financial Companies

NDA : Net Domestic Asset

NDS : Negotiated Dealing Systems

NDTL : Net Demand and Time Liabilities.

NEC : Not Elsewhere Classified

NEER : Nominal Effective Exchange Rate

NEFT : National Electronic Fund Transfer.

NFA : Non-Foreign Exchange Assets

NFD : Net Fiscal Deficit

NGO : Non-Governmental Organization

NHB : National Housing Bank

NIC : National Industrial Classification

NIF : Note Issuance Facility

NNML : Net Non-Monetary Liabilities

NPA : Non-Performing Assets.

NPCI : National Payments Corporation of India.

NPD : Net Primary Deficit

NPRB : Net Primary Revenue Balance

NPV : Net Present Value

NR(E)RA : Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account

NR(NR)RA : Non-Resident (Non-Repatriable) Rupee Account

NRE : Non-Resident External

NRG : Non-Resident Government

NRI : Non-Resident Indian

NSC : National Statistical Commission

NSSF : National Small Savings FundNPD Net Primary Deficit

NPRB : Net Primary Revenue Balance

OCB : Overseas Corporate Bodies

OD : Over Draft

ODA : Official Development Assistance

OECD : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECO : Organisaton for Economic Co-operation

OFI : Other Financial Institutions

OLTAS : Online Tax Accounting System

OMO : Open Market Oprations

OSCB : Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank

OTCEI : Over the Counter Exchange of India


PACF : Partial Auto-Correlation Function

PACS : Primary Agricultural Credit Societies

PAN : Permanent Account Number

PCARDB : Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank

PD : Primary Deficit

PDAI : Primary Dealers Association of India

PDO : Public Debt Office

PDO-NDS : Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System

PDs : Primary Dealers

PES : Public Enterprises Survey

PF : Provident Fund

PFRDA : Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

PIN : Personal Identification Number.

PIO : Persons of Indian Origin

PIS : Portfolio Investment Scheme

PNB : Punjab National bank

PO : Principal Office

PO : Probationary Officer & Post Office

PPP : Purchasing Power Parity/ Public Private Partnership.

PRB : Primary Revenue Balance

PRSF : Partial Risk Sharing Facility

PSB : Public Sector Bank.

PSE : Public Sector Enterprises

PUC : Paid Up Capital


QRR : Quick Review Report


RBI : Reserve Bank of India

RBL : Ratnakar Bank Limited

RD : Revenue Deficit

RDBMS : Relational Database Management System

RE : Revenue Expenditure

REC : Rural Electrification Corporation

REER : Real Effective Exchange Rate

RFC : Residents Foreign Currency

RIB : Resurgent India Bonds

RIDF : Rural Infrastructure Development Fund

RLA : Recoveries of Loans & Advances

RLC : Repayment of Loans to Centre

RMB : Renminbi (Chinese)

RNBC : Residuary Non-Banking Companies

RO : Regional Office

ROA : Return On Investement

RoCs : Registrars of Companies

RPA : Rupee Payment Area

RPCD : Rural Planning and Credit Department, RBI

RR : Revenue Receipts

RRB : Regional Rural Bank

RTGS : Real-Time Gross Settlement

RTP : Reserve Tranche Position

RUF : Revolving Underwriting Facility

RWA : Risk Weighted Asset


SAM : Social Accounting Matrix

SAS : Statistical Analysis System

SBI : State Bank of India

SC : Schedule Caste

SCARDB : State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank

SCB : State Cooperative Bank

SCB : Scheduled Commercial Bank

SCS : Size Class Strata

SDDS : Special Data Dissemination Standards

SDR : Special Drawing Right

SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India

SEBs : State Electricity Boards

SENSEX : Sensitive Index of Stock Exchange.

SFC : State Financial Corporation

SGL : Subsidiary General Ledger

SGSY : Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana

SHGs : Self-Help Groups

SIDBI : Small Industries Development Bank of India.

SIDC : State Industrial Development Corporation

SIPS : Sysetemically Important Payment System

SI-SPA : Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture

SJSRY : Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana

SLR : Statutory Liquidity Ratio.

SLRS : Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitiation of Scavengers

SMG : Standing Monitoring Group

SNA : System of National Accounts

SPNS : Shared Payment Network System

SRWTO : Small road & Water Transport Operators

SSI : Small-Scale Industries

SSSBEs : Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises

ST : Schedule Tribe

SWG : Second Working Group on Money Supply

SWIFT : Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.


TBs : Treasury Bills

TC : Temporary Change

TDS : Tax Deducted at Source

TIN : Tax Information Network ; Telephone Identification Number.

TT : Telegraphic Transfer


UBB : Uniform Balance Book

UBD : Urban Banks Department

UCB : Urban Cooperative Bank

UCN : Uniform Code Number

UCO : United Commercial Bank

UIDAI : Unique Identification Development Authority of India.

UPI : United Payment Interface.

UPIN : Unique Property Identification Numbers

US : United States

USD : US Dollars

USSD : Unstructred Supplementary Service Data

UTI : Unit Trust of India


VC : Venture Capital


WBCIS : Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme

WCTL : Working Capital Term Loan

WGMS : Working Group on Money Supply: Analytics and Methodology of Compilation

WPI : Wholesale Price Index

WSS : Weekly Statistical Supplement


YTM : Yield To Maturity


ZO : Zonal Office

तो ये थी कुछ जरूरी जानकारी अगर इनमे से कोई वर्ड रह गया हो तो कमेंट बॉक्स में टाइप करें । पोस्ट को पढ़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद।

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